Currently, cannabis users worldwide have gradually increased thanks to its multiple uses. But in the same way, this continues to generate discomfort in some sectors that do not agree with this approval.
A clear example of what has been said previously is the US, which has approved its legality since 2018 in some cities, regardless of whether it is for recreational or medicinal uses.
Without a doubt, you will have access to your best San Francisco Marijuana Dispensary. This has generated great controversy and even joy in all its population.
Recall that Cannabis or marijuana, according to its form of presentation, is a depressant drug of the nervous system. It has within its components the molecule known as THC, which is a psychoactive compound of the plant.
It is extremely important to know that it contains more than 500 different chemical compounds that will give it different effects. Cannabis is generally used for its physical and psychological effects that will generate changes in the perception of people who consume it.
Because it is a very careful substance, you have to know how to choose a good San Francisco Marijuana Dispensary. This to know the origin of it thanks to the reputation of these premises.
Effects of cannabis use
It is important to emphasize that the consumption of this substance has side effects that will not be directly fatal to our health. However, we must be careful when consuming it if our purpose is only recreational or for medicinal purposes.
Among the side effects that we can mention, we will find the possible loss of short-term memory. This is because we are immersed in a state of total relaxation, and our senses will not be completely attentive to our environment.
We can also get dry mouth, a great reduction in motor capacity, red eyes, and many feelings of paranoia or anxiety. These effects can be the real addiction for consumption so often of this substance.
It should be noted that the decrease in certain cognitive abilities will be more noticeable in those cases of people who started their habitual consumption since adolescence. This applies in the same way for those mothers who consumed this plant during their pregnancy.
When Cannabis is smoked, its effects can last between two and six hours within a few minutes of inhaling its smoke. While cooking, its effects will last up to 8 hours and take between 30 minutes and an hour to manifest.
With this information, it is of utmost importance to know a good San Francisco Cannabis Dispensary. This to find a place that gives us all the confidence possible to purchase this product without any problem.
Different uses of Cannabis
As mentioned above, it is extremely important to know the best San Francisco Cannabis Dispensary to acquire this substance without generating so much controversy among the people where we live and, in this way, not fall into legal matters.
This is important to mention because not all people who use this substance use it for recreational purposes. Many of them seek this substance for medicinal purposes.
Research is ongoing on all the medical uses that Cannabis contains for various diseases. Many studies affirm that this substance effectively controls nausea produced by chemotherapy treatments and even AIDS treatments.