Anxiety is often helpful. It helps you protect yourself from real danger and act accordingly. But what about when it manifests itself all the time and plagues your existence? Here we help you understand your anxiety attacks and give you 3 anti-stress tips to adopt to fight against your anxiety.
The Theraserena program to fight anxiety
A lump in your throat, a knot in your stomach, sweaty hands, a pounding heart, a panic attack, you have no doubt you are suffering from anxiety. However, nothing suggests that there is danger. But, impossible to control yourself. You are afraid and these symptoms of stress which devour you are proof of it. For the anxiety treatment sheffield this is important.
But what is the cause of your anxiety? And how do you get rid of it?
Anxiety: why does it appear?
Anxiety is the result of repeated exposure to stress. It is a worry, an anticipation, about what could happen.
There are two distinct forms of anxiety:
Transient or “normal” anxiety which announces an immediate danger to which our body responds by fighting or fleeing depending on the situation,
Generalized anxiety or “anxiety disorder” which is a chronic form with incessant worrying for no specific reason.
Panic attacks, agoraphobia, claustrophobia, are exacerbated forms of anxiety and can vary in intensity and frequency from person to person. Its signs can appear at any time and do not cease to aggravate the already well established psychological suffering.
During an episode of anxiety, such as an exam, a professional conflict, a late appointment, a traffic jam or a disagreement with the next door neighbor, everything becomes a tragedy, whether because of a real problem or a trivial trifle.
Where does this psychic disorder that promotes anxiety come from?
This can be hereditary or environmental, but post-traumatic anxiety (accident, attack, death of a loved one, psychological shock) is also mentioned . Food also plays an essential role in anxiety disorders (industrial and refined food, vitamin deficiencies , accumulation of toxins, lack of magnesium , etc.).
Beyond chemical treatments such as anxiolytics, which are most of the time prescribed by general practitioners, natural solutions exist to put an end to this mental disorder and the symptoms that accompany it.
3 anti-stress techniques to fight anxiety naturally
Practice abdominal breathing to naturally fight your anxiety
Nothing could be simpler, you might say, than to breathe. Because it is a physiological mechanism and independent of our will. But do you really know how to breathe? There are two types of breaths: chest breathing and abdominal or stomach breathing.
While chest breathing under stress only fills 30% of the lungs and causes shortness of breath from lack of oxygen , abdominal breathing goes through the lower body and allows a greater amplitude of the lungs for real breathing. It can, thus, help to calm your anxieties.
In addition, it is a real relaxation exercise
- Stretched out on the floor with your hands placed at your side
- inhale through the nose while inflating the belly
- block your breathing for a few seconds then exhale through your mouth completely emptying your lungs and hollowing out your stomach
- Ten cycles should be enough to soothe you